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Accessing Stored Data via REST

KYVE data is available for developers through the REST-API exposed by the chain nodes, a list of REST endpoints can be found here. The REST integration is the native way to access data that has been stored through KYVE.

Understanding Storage Providers and Compression

Because KYVE does not store any data, developers must fetch the underlying data from the storage provider. The KYVE REST-API holds the proof that data on a storage provider is valid and can be retrieved trustless. A list of valid bundles is available at the kyve/query/v1beta1/finalized_bundles/[pool_id] path.

The returned elements include a storage_provider_id which points to a storage provider. In combination with the storage_id developers can retrieve the uploaded data.

Some integrations might compress data before storing it on the storage provider. The compression_id indicates which compression method has been used.

After the data has been retrieved from the storage provider and decompressed, developers can use it in the application.

Next steps

An easier way to get KYVE data integrated into your application is using the KYVE ELT Pipeline.